Des Delgadillo: Your Digital Accessibility Ally

Let’s make sure everyone can enjoy technology

Picture this: A world where tech doesn’t play favorites. Where everyone, regardless of how they interact with their screens, gets a VIP pass. That’s my dream. And after I lost my eyesight as a kid, it became my mission.

Why I Jump Out of Bed Every Morning

Inaccessible tech? I’ve been there and felt that frustration. Now, I’m all about turning that frustration into action. 

Tech should be everyone’s best friend. Think of me as your go-to guy for making that happen.

Grab a Coffee with Me – Let’s Chat Accessibility

Connect with me for a 30-minute coffee chat (virtual, of course). Let’s talk about how we can break down barriers for your users. And if we have time, I’ll tell you about my favorite Weird Al Yankovich songs.

What I Bring to Your Table

Product Consulting with a Twist

I’ve been in the accessibility game for seven years and using assistive tech for nearly three decades. Here’s how we can bring the best out of your product:

  • Weave accessibility into your product’s DNA from the get-go.
  • School your team on the A to Z of accessibility cool tricks.
  • Put your app through the ultimate accessibility workout until it’s fit for everyone.

Accessibility Testing with a Personal Touch

Accessibility isn’t just about ticking boxes. It’s about creating something that genuinely makes users’ lives easier. Here’s my game plan:

  • Unleash my secret arsenal of testing tools on your product.
  • Dive into every use case we can think of, making sure all users paths are totally accessible
  • Cook up bespoke testing recipes for your ongoing projects.
  • Sit down with your team, spill the beans on the results, and map out a master plan.

Workshops That Don’t Feel Like Work

Whether you’re a newbie or just looking to level up, my workshops are like no other. We’ll dive into:

  • The nitty-gritty of accessibility regulations – making them fun, I promise!
  • How to use cool tools like NVDA and ZoomText to conduct your own testing.
  • Tailoring sessions to tackle your unique tech puzzles.

Want to get an idea for my teaching style? My Youtube channel has a few tutorials, with more added all the time.

I can’t wait to meet you and explore how to build accessibility into your team’s foundation. Book a consultation.

Ready to tell me what you’re working on?

Video game? University portal? An app that will help me talk to my dog?

Don’t keep me in suspense.

Send me a message right now.